Gaby Teller (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) Progress Photos
If I had the budget, I would make all of her outfits from this movie.
Both the coat & the dress took several mock-ups before I was ready to cut into the actual fabric. I had to sort of battle with the fact that her body shape is quite different from mine. Since it looked like I was wearing a potato sack when I first made up her dress, I took it in in the waist & shoulders.
My patterning skills are messy but they get the job done.
Mock-up #2 showed much more promise after the revisions! I wish I could put on a loose flowing dress & call it a day. But I think part of being a good seamstress/tailor is knowing what compliments your body shape.
The lapped zipper was easier than I thought but still a little tricky since the fabric had stretch to it. I had to go back & clean up a few areas.
Queen Gaby's dress was a dream to make & I'm pretty proud of the finished product. Putting in the lining was somehow harder than making the dress itself, but its done & I'm happy its over with. I hope to get a lot of good use out of this piece, since its so wearable!
Someone please take me to the steps in Rome!
Welt pockets & bound buttonholes! Worth learning if you have the time. They're honestly not so bad. The most tedious part in my opinion is making the buttonhole openings in the facing. Making sure they all lined up was a little nerve wracking @.@
That awesome moment when all the stripes match up. :) Sometimes detail is worth the extra time.
Little Chopshop Girl~
Behind the scenes of our photo shoot at the studio! Brit is keeping my 1960's beehive hairdo in check. :)
"Hey, that's me!"
For the complete photo set & sewing details, check out the Gaby Teller page in my Cosplay Gallery!